5 Cybersecurity Tips for an E-commerce Website

The e-commerce market has taken over both the internet and the millennials. It has made life a lot convenient and fasts forward over the years. But over the years, the growth of e-commerce websites has also increased the risks of potential cyber crimes.

With the evolution in technology and the tech field, there are extremely high chances of people stealing off your data, identity and personal information from the internet, either you’re a customer or a business owner.

Many employers secure their e-commerce websites through safe cloud computing. Cloud storage is a lot safer than storing data on computers that have high risks of getting hacked or crashing down. That being said, implementing a cloud system is easy but maintaining it is not.

Here are 5 essential and very important tips from Experts in Cybersecurity Virginia to keep your e-commerce business safe from cybercriminals.

1. Limited Access to crucial documents

As a matter of fact, you should avoid putting any sensitive information on your website or even the cloud, but it’s easier said than done.
In this case, you can provide your employees with limited access to crucial documents or information. Upload only the information which your employees need to run operations and nothing more than that.  

Because let’s be honest, if most of your employees have access to sensitive data from anywhere around the world, chances are that hackers can do the same.

2. Opt for Cloud Protection and Backup to protect your data.

Better safe than sorry. It makes a lot of sense to invest in good quality cloud protection to secure your data rather than having to pay large sums of money in litigation payments and ransomware crimes.

Most of the times protecting your date in clouds is not enough. You need to keep backup storage in different locations and software. You can opt for a reliable local storage unit that prevents data theft.  

3. Encrypt your information

Most importantly, ensure that the cloud storage that you are using provides encryption services. And if they do, find out more about the kind of services they are. Do encrypt files travel between your computer and cloud or are they located only in the cloud? All these security questions are important to ask before you invest in a good security system.  

A cloud that encrypts data offers layers of added protection to e-commerce website owners. This means that the data will not be available readily but have to go through a process of decryption. Famous cloud software, Dropbox offers 256-bit encryption time protect your data and an additional 130-bit encryption for transferred files.

4. Make better and strong passwords

There’s a reason this advice may sound boring because you hear it everywhere. However, it’s extremely important and true to protect your social media and shopping accounts with secure, strong and unique passwords. If all your social media accounts have the same password then change them immediately.

And if you want to protect yourself from all kinds of scam, then use a password generator or manager to help you come up with strong passwords and also remember them on your behalf. Long passwords that are too complicated are not worth a hacker’s time and effort

Research says that 47 percent of people change their passwords every 5 years. While 21 percent do not change it for 10 straight years. Develop a habit of changing your passwords after every 2 years if you want to keep important financial and personal data secure.

5. Keep your eyes open

When you set up a cloud or security system to protect your e-commerce business, you must have gone through all the standard procedures and questions. Whether it offers encryption? What are the features and specifications? Etc

However Dynamics change. And they always do. Hackers will get more strong, learn new techniques and evolve along with the rapidly changing technology. To keep up with the changes, develop a sharp sight for changing security tools and features that will help secure your data.

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