Steps On How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth is an extremely important part of your oral health and it is surprising how many people don’t actually know how to brush their teeth properly. In this article, we will go through some simple steps on how to brush your teeth properly.  

Steps To Brushing Your Teeth

  • Prepare Your Toothbrush

Firstly, you should wet your toothbrush and add a slim layer of toothpaste. As discussed earlier, the choice of your toothpaste is yours. One thing that is a must is that it must contain fluoride as this protects your teeth from cavities and also helps to prevent decay.

  • Start In The Back

When you go to brush your teeth, start with your molar, or your back teeth on one side of your mouth, and then this way, you will be able to around your mouth in a clockwise direction. For this, you should point the bristles towards your gumline at a 45-degree angle. You should also brush in a short circular motion for around 20 seconds. 

  • Roll Away

After 20 seconds of cleaning your molars, roll the brush away from your gum line and brush the surface of your teeth, ensuring that you remove all plaque and food particles. 

  • Continue In  Clockwise Direction

Continue steps 2 and 3 until you get through your whole mouth. Ensuring you follow the same steps for the bottom of the mouth.

  • Brush Behind The Upper Front Teeth

Brush the behind surface of the upper front teeth. Use the tip of the brush for this as it is designed for this. Like before, point the bristles at a 45-degree angle on the gum line and use flicking actions around 3-4 times. 

  • Brush Behind The Lower Front Teeth

Point the bristles of the tip of the toothbrush as you did with your top front teeth. Use the tip of the brush for this as it is designed for this. Like before, point the bristles at a 45-degree angle on the gum line and use flicking actions around 3-4 times. 

  • Brush The Top Surface Of The Teeth

Use a circular motion once again to clean the surface of the upper and lower premolars.

  • Brush The Tongue And Cheeks

When one brushes their teeth, they can often forget that teeth are not the only things in your mouth that need cleaning. You must remember that food contains toxins, sugars and other harmful ingredients for your mouth so it is vital that your tongue, the roof of your mouth and the inside of your cheeks all contain bacteria, food particles and plaque which all needs cleaning. This is better with a soft brush as it helps to remove the plaque better. You should also use circular motions to get rid of the particles easier. 

  • Finish With a Rinse

Wrap it up by rinsing your mouth to get rid of the excess toothpaste in your mouth.

  • Floss And Mouthwash for extra protection.

These are just as important as the brushing of the teeth. If you find this difficult, you should book an appointment at a private dentist so that they can show you how to floss properly when you go for your next hygiene check. Beyond Dental is one of these dentists that will help you reach your goals with your oral health and you won’t believe the service they provide. 

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