Health Benefits Of Date

Date is a fruit that has been used by ancient people, especially in the Middle Eastern area since millennia ago. Date has oblong shape and with only one seed. However, depending on the variety, there are changes in consistence of flesh, color, size, shape and the overall level of quality. On a single bunch, there could be more than a thousand of individual dates. About 50 percent of the weight of dried dates could be consisted of sugar. Two percent of the weight is consisted of fat, protein and various minerals. The sugar level may vary depending on the variety, from slightly sweet to very sweet. It is a fact that dates provide rich nutritional content. The sweetness of dates are caused by the presence of dextrose and fructose. They should revitalize our body and replenish our energy instantly. Date also contains a large amount of dietary fiber that can remove bad LDL cholesterol from our body, especially by carrying it through the colon. The bulk mass of dietary fiber can speed up the removal of waste, decreasing the risk of colon cancer.

We should be able to find a moderate amount of vitamin A in date. It is a nutrient known for its antioxidant capability and good for our overall vision. Vitamin A could also maintain the health of our skin and mucus membrane. Regular intake of vitamin A should protect our oral cavity and lung from cancer. Date also have enough vitamin B complex, especially riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin and pyridoxine. These vitamins should help to improve the metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates at cellular level. Vitamin K should maintain a proper level of blood clotting, by transporting enough calcium to injured areas of our body. Vitamin K also reduces the risk of internal bleeding in our liver, as well as jaundice and mal-absorption. Dates contain osteocalcin, a type of protein, which maintains the density of bone matrix, by ensuring the proper binding of calcium. It means that osteoporosis is less likely to happen, especially on elderly women. Younger women could also benefit from date, because vitamin K prevents excess menstrual bleeding; especially due to its ability to promote blood clotting.

Calcium is a type of mineral found in date, which is important to maintain the health of teeth and bone. It is also essential for nerve impulse connection, blood clotting and muscle contraction. Trace amount of manganese can be found in date and it works as a co-factor for superoxide dismutase, which is an antioxidant enzyme. Copper is useful for the red blood cell production, while magnesium could promote bone growth. In 100 grams of dates, you can get about 700 milligrams of potassium, which is important to help controlling blood pressure and heart rate. They should offer enough protection against coronary heart diseases and stroke. Dates also contain some amount of flavonoids, which can protect our body cells against the damaging effects of free radicals. You should consume moderate amount of date to get its full benefits.

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