Here’s How The BrainTest App Helps Keep Dementia At Bay

Scientists have identified a number of factors that could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s; The most important ones being family history, age, and heredity. While these factors cannot be influenced, there are some that we can change.

If you are willing to improve your cognitive brain functions and keep dementia at bay, it is important that you are able to diagnose your condition first.

What’s BrainTest app?

BrainTest app is precisely what you need to help you out with your cognitive functioning. The app is scientifically validated to help detect early signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s and more. It enables you to figure out how well your brain is performing.

The app is designed uniquely to detect an early-stage difference in cognition associated with brain-related conditions and disorders like mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The app allows people to take the test and carry out cognitive screening without leaving the comfort of their home. The results can be accessed within the app along with a detailed explanation of the score from certified physicians.

However, it is important to understand that BrainTest app is self-assessment and not a proper diagnostic test. However, the results can be printed so patients can speak to the doctor and discuss the available and required treatment options to improve their brain health.

Cognitive screening is a revolutionary new method to keep track of how your brain functions. While there are many other apps offering the same, BrainTest reviews indicate that it is the most popular and trusted app amongst users.

Experts at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center built the app to help users detect any signs of impairment with a short self-assessment. As accurate as the results might be, the experts still suggest following a clinical assessment after conducting a self-assessment through the app.

How does BrainTest app works?

The BrainTest app is the perfect description of Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE). It is, however, the digital version, which makes it easier to use and access. As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t require you to step out of the comfort of your home to get your cognitive screening results.

The hype around the BrainTest app is absolutely valid. It is a world-famous screening instrument that helps identify memory impairment and a decline in brain function. It’s undoubtedly one of the most reliable tools to self-assess your mental health condition.

It is essential to note the results and take it seriously. While the results may not be the substitute for the clinical diagnosis, they can detect abnormalities through the test scores. Once you have your results in hand, it is essential to discuss it with your physician and get started with your treatment.

SAGE, on the other hand, enjoys its own level of popularity. It is known to be one of the most accurate ways to identify cognitive impairment.

To make sure the claim was valid, the experts at the Ohio State University validated the test by conducting a study of 1,000 volunteers over the period of 5 years. All of these volunteers belonged to different backgrounds. The study required volunteers to undertake the test 45 times each. The results showed 71.6% of people with normal brain activity. 18% showed early signs of dementia while 10.4% had MCI.

The scores in the BrainTest app range between 22 and 0 with the highest number representing normal condition, while 15 indicates MCI (mild cognitive impairment) and any number below 14 indicates dementia.

Who’s the right audience for BrainTest app

The BrainTest app can be helpful for any individual who:

The first step when testing your cognitive functioning is to know the level of brain function expected according to someone’s age, education level, and gender. That would work as the benchmark for you to compare your results with your physician.

It is natural to experience a certain level of decline in our brain health and its functionality as we age. However, if the change is too significant that it becomes bothersome for you, it is crucial to carry out the assessment.

This is where BrainTest can help you. It is the perfect way to find out and self-assess your brain’s condition. In case the results show any early signs of MCI, dementia or any other brain health issue, further diagnosis is imperative.

The actual problems occur when people with such cognitive difficulties tend to ignore their condition. Instead of addressing them, they wait years before getting it diagnosed or treated. Even then, they try to avoid professional medical assistance.

The first step to ensure your brain health is at its optimal level is that you must address your issue. If reaching out to a healthcare professional seems like a task, the BrainTest app can be used as your perfect savior. It’s an ideal way to assess your brain’s functionality in a secure environment.

Self-assessment and professional diagnosis are vital for treating cognitive ailments. This is because most of these conditions are treatable and can be dealt with if identified at the right time. BrainTest app helps identify these cognitive issues right at the early stage.

Usability of the app

The user-friendly app can be used without any technicalities. There’s a voice guide that helps you through every stage in the app. There is also an option for languages to choose from. The minimalist interface and appealing visual design are easy to load and use as well.

What to expect from the test

The test is simple and only takes 15 minutes to carry out. Patients can take these tests on their own or can seek help from their caretakers. The app can be adjusted according to age, gender, and education level and is capable of identifying MCI and other cognitive issues.

The app promises 95% accuracy of results. If your score does not fall in the normal range, it is best to seek help from a doctor right away.

Bottom line

There are many useful features associated with BrainTest app. It includes test logs, self-assessment, latest news, and resource material. The app can also help you locate physicians you can consult near your location. You can even access their contact details to get your appointment fixed with them.

The app requires a one-off payment of $24.99. It is a versatile app that can be downloaded and used on different compatible platforms including Windows, Android, and iOS.

The BrainTest app is highly recommended for its easy interface and accurate results. If that’s what you are looking for, use the app to assess your brain function and keep a check on your brain health at all times.

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