10 Tips To Keep In Mind When Designing Your Baby’s Nursery

When expecting a baby, no matter how much preparation you take, you always want to do more for your baby-to-be.  This feeling is elevated in case of first-time-to-be-mothers, accompanied by excitement, apprehension and lots of other indescribable emotions – both positive and negative.

One of the things at the top of your mind is probably the nursery. You might be facing dilemma between choosing a bassinet or a crib, the number of things you should be putting in the apartment, the lighting in the nursery, the placement of the nursing station and the sanitation station etc. And you are not the only one.

For parents-to-be and everyone else, looking for tips on decorating a nursery, we have compiled a list of things that you might consider while ready to welcome the special one.

1. Keep the “functional” aspects in mind:

Setting up a nursery requires some very special considerations not only for the baby but, also for you. Babies are sensitive without a doubt, but, you need to keep in mind your health and comfort in mind as well. That is why it is extremely important to be practical.

For example, keep the nursery close to your bedroom so that you can easily go in, set the perfect temperature so that your baby can be comfortable and make sure that the room is well ventilated.

2. Choose the right color palette:

While considering the colors that you want to incorporate into your baby’s nursery, make sure that they go perfectly with the aesthetics of your house and are also comforting to your baby at the same time.

It is best to pick colors that are calm, nurturing and light. Also, make sure to choose decoration which can be later adapted or changed at any point of time.

3. Keep the safety aspects in mind:

While buying a crib, bassinet or cot, make sure they meet all the safety standards. You should be looking out for cut outs, and that the bars are spaced in a manner such that it is not too much or too less.

Also, make sure that the cot is positioned away from the windows and heaters to keep your baby safe.

4. Keep a nursing station:

You might want to create a nursing station in the nursery for feeding your baby on time. It is definitely nice to have all of the things you may need to feed your baby close at hand together.

You can also get a good nursery glider to spend some special-cuddle time with your bundle of joy.

5. The perfect ambience:

As we have already stated before, it is important to get the right ventilation, temperature and lighting.

The importance of lighting cannot be expressed strongly enough and that is because too much of light during the night may disturb your baby’s sleep and too less during the times when (s)he is awake could make him/her uncomfortable.

In addition, make sure to pay attention to the windows and get the right curtains or blinds. Keep the room well ventilated and the temperature perfect for your baby to sleep in.

6. Create a balance:

It is very important to create a balance between the way your nursery looks and also proper utilization of space within.

It has to be very practical and easy to use and it is especially necessary to design it such that it is good enough to fulfill your needs.

7. Simplicity is the key.

While it is very important to go for nursery furniture that has high functionality, it is also essential to understand that going to lengths to buy furniture is not really necessary.

You do not really have to spend too much on furniture and decorations. Keeping things simple goes a long way.

8. Be Creative:

There are high chances that you really want to be all cutesy and decorate your baby’s room that way. Likewise, you might also want to go for some designs that are quite trending or a theme that you have always wanted.

Why? Well simply because, this is your chance to decorate your baby’s room the way you want. When they grow up, you really don’t get to choose their room designs. Beside, (s)he will definitely not mind at this stage if you decorate his/her room the way you want.

9. Do not stuff everything in the nursery:

Remember, not all your baby’s stuff needs to be in the nursery. You can also keep them in other places as long as it is convenient for you.

10. Choose the important pieces first:

Finally, before you begin actually decorating the nursery, it is important that you pick the essentials first such as the furniture.  This will give you a base to match the wallpaper, fabrics or paints with.

Well those are just ten tips that you can consider while decorating the nursery for your babykins. There are of course a lot more things to consider such as your budget and lifestyle. But, keep in mind that you are the best decision maker when it comes to finding the best decorations. And we hope you find these tips useful.

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